The year 2023 has become a year of testing the strength of all humanity. Against the backdrop of natural disasters and conflicts, which the mia talk about most often, discoveries in science and changes in public consciousness could pass almost unnotic.
Scientists from the Higher School of Economics have been monitoring trends all year and writing about the most important changes in Russia and abroad. Most of the research was conduct using the iFORA big data mining technology, which was develop at the HSE. In 2020, Nature magazine call iFORA an effective tool that can help businesses and governments in decision-making.
New technologies
The biggest tech news of the past year has been about c level contact list artificial intelligence. However, it is not the only area that HSE analysts have been monitoring. Here are some interesting studies for those working in new technologies.
Demand for Professions and Pay Levels in the Gamev Industry
The Russian IT market continu to go through a turbulent zone last year. To prict what changes await those working in this market in the field of video game creation, HSE experts studi 5 thousand specializ vacancies.
The study “What specialists and skills does the Russian the best figma ui kits video game industry ne” contains a wealth of insights for future game development specialists.
Among the conclusions and forecasts of analysts there are some quite interesting ones:
1. According to experts, by 2030 the Russian video game development industry will have about 40 thousand specialists. This is very little compar to the industry leaders. For example, in 2023 in the USA almost 300 thousand people work in the production of games for PC, mobile devices and consoles.
2. The demand for a profession does not mean that it will be paid accordingly. Thus, the following professions top the rating of the most ne vacancies on the market:
- 3D graphics developer (with an average salary of 102 thousand rubles)
- 2D artist (with an average salary of 72 thousand rubles)
- Game designer (with an average salary of 70 thousand rubles)
At the same time, the salaries of a UX/UI designer america email list and a backend developer are much higher: on average 125 thousand rubles and 170 thousand rubles, respectively.
3. Knowlge of English is as much a requir skill for a video game development specialist as the ability to work in professional programs. If you want to “enter IT” through video game development, you should study English from the very first day of training.