The 7 key strategies of digital marketing

  • Knowing your customers. Online marketing allows companies of all kinds to maintain a continuous dialogue with their customers. It is no longer necessary to carry out expensive market research to find out what they think: we can ask them directly or even monitor their conversations with other users about the brand. All this knowledge helps us to adapt our offer and our campaigns to hit the nail on the head.
  • Expanded reach . With digital marketing! a business’s reach is no longer limited to its immediate surroundings! but we can reach users anywhere in the world. Combine this with the ability to sell online! and the potential for growth is enormous.
  • Less intrusiveness. Traditional marketing is based on “bombarding” the user with advertising impacts! while in digital marketing the user can choose whether to interact with the brand or not.
  • Loyalty. Close relationships with customers can now be developed and nurtured through repeated impacts! which helps us foster brand loyalty.
  • Profitability. Online marketing is within reach of companies of all sizes. There are channels and strategies for all tastes! and it special database is possible to start having an online presence for free or at very low costs.


Objectives of online marketing campaigns

Just like traditional marketing campaigns! online marketing can have very diverse objectives. In this section we will focus on the most common ones according to their typology.

If we focus on objectives related to brand recognition ! we find that the most common are increasing visibility and improving reputation. In the area of ​​lead generation ! brands often resort to lead nurturing! which consists of cultivating customer relationships through valuable and personalized content.

Finally! if we look at the goal of increasing sales ! brands often turn to digital marketing to obtain a higher ROI and promote cross disabling and configuring analytics selling and up selling.

However! we also see a lot of online marketing being used as a strategy to build customer loyalty and improve engagement.

Tools needed to measure and launch a digital marketing campaign

Digital marketing campaigns can be launched on different channels and! depending on that! some tools or others will have to be used.

On the one hand! Google Ads and Google Analytics are two of the most widely used tools when it comes to running search campaigns. Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform where you can launch your campaigns and measure The 7 key strategies some results! and Google Analytics is a more in-depth measurement tool that you belgium business directory can link to Google Ads and thus have more in-depth analyses of your advertising results.

If you want to launch campaigns on social media! the platforms themselves have their native ad tools where you can develop your campaign and also measure many key performance indicators. However! you can combine the data collected by these tools with the information provided by external tools such as Sprout Social and Hootsuite .


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