Improved text contrast in Material theme for improved readability
The previous contrast of gray text on a gray background in the agent message in the Hardware topic was not strong enough and we received several complaints from customers about the low contrast. We have since changed the text color to be darker and more visible on a gray background.
Times in many sections of the table are now displayed correctly
Many sections of the Live Agent dashboard, such as the agent ranking report or audit log, were displaying incorrect times or the ban feature was not turkey mobile database working properly because the account’s time zone was not respected. Our developers have fixed the issue so that the times are displayed correctly again.
Email retrieval now correctly creates records
Emails containing the “Priority: bulk” header could not be retrieved in LiveAgent or were retrieved but created empty tabs due to a logic understanding email campaign metrics and kpis inversion in the code of the Bulk and Junk Email Retrieval settings. Our developers have fixed this and now the Bulk/Junk Email Retrieval settings in Customization > Email > Email Settings are working properly again.
Calls no longer ring for paused agents
Agents were experiencing an issue where a call could ring them while they were on pause, and only logging out of the panel would help. Our team immediately identified and resolved the issue, ensuring chine directory agents no longer experience interruptions while on pause.
LiveAgent stop mode
Improved Dark Blue theme design improves content visibility
Customers using the Dark Blue theme were having difficulty seeing the content populated by the custom plugin in the tab details section if the content was just text without a background. We added a default sky blue background color to the custom plugin iframe.
API label reliability resolved
Executing the same API v3 PUT api/v3/tickets/{ticketId} request to add tags was incorrectly adding and removing tags multiple times per execution. Our developers have addressed this issue and resolved it, ensuring that the API now correctly adds tags to tickets without any unintentional tag removal during each execution.
Fixed tab code internal server error
Using the ticket code instead of the ticket ID returned a 500 response with the message: “Internal Server Error: Failed to get ticket tags.