You can see them as the first layers of Not adapting segmentation of your target market and then accompany them with behavioral and psychographic variables.
Underestimating psychographic segmentation variables
It won’t matter how much you invest in classifying your potential users if you don’t do it with the 3 criteria that most influence sales: IAO – interests, activities, opinions .
Among these three psychographic variables, interests stand out as the most influential of all .
The world of sales is a universe in constant transformation and your market segmentation strategy must follow the latest trends. This becomes even more true when using behavioral segmentation , since the way users access your services goes hand in hand with technological innovations .
Overdoing segmentation
In the quest to obtain increasingly homogeneous groups, you could form segments that are too numerous and too small .
It is recommended not to divide customers excessively, since each group will require time and resources to design dataset personalized conversion strategies, in addition to data analysis after their implementation.
This is a challenge when applying psychographic variables , which are complex to describe objectively and quantitatively.
3 iconic examples of market segmentation
Knowing examples of market segmentation strategies will motivate you to take action and make your marketing more effective.
And since good examples teach more than long dissertations, we have gathered 3 brands with unbeatable experiences in the field of market segmentation.
The star brand of market segmentation: Coca-Cola Not adapting
Using demographic, geographic women love to listen to pleasant phrases and psychographic segmentation, your marketing strategy remains relevant year after year .
If you don’t believe it, watch this video about The Coca-Cola Company’s segmentation around the world.
The brand that knows how to sell luxury: Ferrari
With advertising campaigns malaysia numbers list almost invisible in the mainstream media , it’s easy to wonder what luxury car marketing is all about. How do they sell their million-dollar products without even doing conventional advertising?