Start writing the regulations by creating its structure . In order for the instructions to be understandable to everyone, from an experienc specialist to an intern, it is important to build a clear hierarchy of information presentation and try to express all ideas concisely.
First, create a plan for the future document. Determine the number of important points and subpoints. Give them names. Then, moving from point to point, try to describe as fully as possible all the important details of each process.
Our recommendations will help you write a good regulation text:
1. Write simply
Avoid bureaucratic language and terms that you don’t country wise email marketing list use in your work. Overload vocabulary confuses the reader and makes them spend more time trying to understand what is being discuss.
“The above”, “accept for execution”, “upon expiration of the term” and other phrases often found in official documents can always be replac with something simpler.
Use a simple rule: if something can be left unmention and the meaning of the text will not change, then there is no ne to write about it.
2. Use graphics
Graphs, charts and tables can say much more than a whole canvas of text. Where the meaning is better to add 1 picture, do not try to replace it with a long explanation.
Moreover, it is worth devoting no less time to the even though it can be time-consuming making visual design than to the text of the document. This way you will take care of your colleagues – the better the text is design, the easier it is to read. Graphic design helps to assimilate information faster.
If any graphic images will be ne regularly (for example, a duty schule), place them at the beginning of the document or in a separate appendix to it.
3. Specify the roles of the people involv and do not use their names.
If the document mentions specific names and surnames, it is better to include this information in an appendix to the document. Employee turnover is a phenomenon that all companies face, so there is no point in regularly rewriting corporate guides when there america email list are changes in the team. If possible, try to distribute roles by positions, not by specific individuals.
5. Add a FAQ document and a list of the most common errors with solutions
Employees will most often refer to the regulations when a situation arises that requires a solution. If the document already has a section with the most common situations and options for getting out of them, this can make the team’s work easier in the future.