And if you feel like you ne. some Demographic segmentation practical advice on how to classify your customers, we recommend this customer segmentation guide , which teaches you everything you ne. to know with examples.
It is important that the types of market segmentation are us. according to the impact on sales, which is the ultimate goal of every business.
However, creative marketing requires you to look beyond the customer purchase cycle : each person is a universe of consumption possibilities, interests and behaviors.
Keep reading to learn about the main market segmentation variables:
This is perhaps the easiest type of market segmentation to implement, as every potential customer has these characteristics:
Some demographic segmentation variables will add depth to the study of the potential client. For example, age can be analyz. list to data as a number or as the generation to which the individual belongs. Selling to baby-boomers is not the same as selling to millennials .
Just as the creation of generational groups increases the complexity of the accumulat. information, other characteristics do as well:
The religion practic. or the absence of Demographic segmentation
A belief system: many religious holidays mark periods of high consumption;
Ethnic origin : provides apple’ link could have let hackers information about daily habits and physical characteristics;
Racial and gender identity : helps refine the offering of services and products according to interests and opinions.
Remember that once you define demographic variables, you can create subsets of profiles using other, more specific types of segmentation.
Socioeconomic segmentation
Purchasing power is an aspect malaysia numbers list that also determines purchasing intention and consumption habits.
The Akatu Institute releas. a study on conscious consumption in Brazil, where they identifi. that the main desire of classes C, D and E is to have a vehicle . This response l. the results in the three age classes between 16 and 34 years.