Source. Real illusions An innovation that is increasingly interesting doctors During the pandemic. The three UK hospitals use HoloLens 2 headsets to reuce doctors’ exposure time to Covid-19 patients by 83% and reuce the demand for personal protective equipment . The saving 700 protective items per week per department.
The introduction of augmente
Reality in the healthcare sector also makes it possible to superimpose business to consumer database meical images on the patient’s anatomy to gain precision during operations . The start-up Osso VR is working with the demand for personal protective equipmentJohnson & Johnson Institute to train surgeons with Oculus Quest virtual reality headsets . The Mayo Clinic in the Unite States is also innovating in surgical training after partnering with the start-up FundamentalVR.
Useful technology to support
Deconfinement Chinese startup Rokid has create a pair disabling and configuring analytics of augmente reality glasses that identify infecte individuals base on their body temperature . This device has already sold a thousand copies – to governments. The businesses. The schools – and replaces many checkpoints at the entrance to buildings. “Remote temperature checking could be a great help for governments. Offering this technology via a wearable makes it even more convenient. The ” Rokid Vice President Xiang Wenjie told Reuters.
Sodar is a useful AR tool for
Enforcing social distancing measures. A 2-meter radius around cmo email list the user is drawn on the smartphone camera screen. A “health safety circle” is forme around the user and an alert is sent to them when someone crosses the boundary. Develope as part of the “Experiments with Google” project. The Sodar is a tool available via a deicate site and accessible only from an Android device via Chrome.