This app had been downloade 4.7 million times in India Death of Japanese reality TV star Hana Kimura sparks calls for more moderation of hateful content in the country Violence against women. Nigeria ignites on the web DATA. The TRUST. The FREeOM OF THE PRESS. The DISINFORMATION Cybersecurity Bug in ‘Sign in with Apple’ link could have let hackers cyberattack anyone’s Apple account Zoom won’t encrypt free calls. Its willingness to work with law enforcement draws widespread . A criticism amid protests Google says Iranian and Chinese hackers targete Trump and Biden campaigns respectively Tracing apps.
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Bill lags behind Apple and Google No. The the government does cell phone database not automatically install StopCovid in secret on your smartphone Disinformation . How to protect Apple’ link could have let hackers yourself from misinformation Beware of this misleading infographic on homicides in the Unite States Freeom of the press. Facebook to label posts from state-controlle meia LEGISLATION. The REGULATIONS Donald Trump vs Twitter. What is the “Section 230” that the president wants to repeal? Pornography.
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Returns to Parliament European Commission plans new authority stanley milgram’s experiment to monitor digital giants California Considers Controversial Bill That Would Allow Use of Facial Recognition by Businesses. The Government Agencies US challenges digital services taxes in 9 countries a.
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US tech giants JOURNALISM Crisis and transformation b2c fax of the sector. The pandemic put newsrooms out of work. At the Team. . New York Times journalists denounce newspaper for publishing op-e calling for military intervention in US. Cities hit by protests US police have attacke journalists .