If you play by the rules: everything is fine

The publisher has the rules specifications.

There is a contract and so on.

As a self-publisher, you have the reins in your own hands.

You also have higher margins, you earn up to 70% with your book,

whereas if you work with a traditional publisher, you might only get 10% of the sales price.

The more you own, master and control the process, the better.

Oprah Winfrey understood this very early on and therefore bought the rights to her show from the television station.


So that she is not just the presenter, but also the producer and owner of the entire program.

So that she can the rules determine the content

But above all, so that it can make more profit, earn more money, because it controls the entire process.

Therefore, you should make sure that you have as much control as possible over the entire process:

Production, creation, distribution, sale.

It’s okay if you start with less control.

But your goal should always be to gain more control, yes.

That’s why at schreibsuchti.de , I use all platforms, including these ones like YouTube, only to bring people to me, where I have more control.

That means in my newsletter , in my email list .

while we’re at it:

Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter.

There you get:

11 Recipes for buy bulk sms service Incredibly Successful Blog Articles
Free as an eBook.

If you are building a content business,

like me,

like many other writers and authors.

(Reading tip: 30 proven ways to build your email list )

Now I’ll give the the rules whole thing a score

And control is, if you do it right, very high.

You have a lot how to do market segmentation in 6 steps? of control because you are a self-publisher.

You have your own website.

your own blog.

You have your america email own email list.

You have your own products.

You have your own sales process and so on.

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