Geographic segmentation

Classes A and B , on the other hand, give Geographic segmentation preference to other ne.s , such as having a healthy lifestyle, clean water and healthy food.

In cases like this, the higher-income segment may be less likely to invest . So, depending on the product or service your company offers, it is suggest. that each segment receives differential attention during the sales cycle .

The socioeconomic segmentation of the market is carri. out in the initial phases of the business plan, since defining marketing strategies for luxury items , such as haute couture and sports vehicles, or for a low-cost line is not the same .

It is worth paying attention to socioeconomic


Segmentation variables when offering more flexible payment methods , such as and installment payments.

Geographic segmentation phone number database variables allow potential customers to be distinguish. from the rest of the population due to ne.s motivat. by location . Some criteria us. in geographic segmentation are:

Essentially, this type of market segmentation suggests that if your company sells deep-sea fishing equipment, there is no point in investing in lead nurturing in Kansas.

However, pay close attention Geographic segmentation


Because within the same country, region or city, there are communities of customers with specific ne.s . That is why it is the stronger sex prefers actions to words recommend. that geographic segmentation be a higher layer of classification, before going into more detail about the profile of the target customer group.

On the other hand, geographical malaysia numbers list peculiarities could confuse an inattentive businessman.

For example, in tropical countries like Colombia, there are numerous sport climbing teams. These people invest large sums of money in winter equipment to climb the Andean mountain range in the months of July and August. Yes, every year at that time there is intense snowfall on the glaciers of the Colombian mountains.

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