How to Change Account Display Name

The display name in Windows is the full name of your account, as it appears on the sign-in screen , in the Start menu , and in Settings. This name may be different from the user name you use to sign in to your account.

When you create a Microsoft account, you can specify a full name, which will be used as your display name in Windows.

Local accounts will use the username as the display name by default.

The display name helps users easily identify and select the correct account when logging in or managing user profiles.

Change Display Name in Windows

As mentioned, users can change their display in Windows 11 using the Netplwiz tool and the Local Users and Groups phone number list console .

Here’s how to do it.

First, open the Run Application window by pressing the key combination ( Windows key + R).

Or use Windows search and search for ” Netplwiz “.

Press Enter or select the tool to open it

Windows Run application window for netplwiz

On the Users tab, select the user name of the account for which you want to change the display name.

Then click the Properties button .

Change Display Name Windows 11

In the General section , type how can you improve onsite trust? and replace the full account name in the Full Name field in the pop-up window.

Click OK to save changes and exit.

Replace Full Name in Windows 11

Change your full name using the Local Users and Groups console.
Another way to change the full name of an account in Windows is to use the Local Users and Groups console ( lusrmgr.msc ).

First, launch the Local Users and Groups console

Then click on the Users folder to select it. Then double-click to open the user account you want to change its full name for.

How to Change local users and search engine optimization mails groups open users

Enter and replace the full name in the Full name field. Click OK to save and exit.

This should work.

Conclusion :

You can change the display name in Windows 11 using the Netplwiz tool or the Local Users and Groups console.

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