On Thursday, September 15, in the salons of the Mollat bookstore, Philippe Lacadée [ 1 ], invited by the ACF-Aquitania, presented his latest work: François Augiéras, the Solitary Man and the Way of the Real Delicious mistakes .
The author of this book has faded behind the writer he is talking about. He followed him step by step; sometimes their styles even merge. This work reads like a novel. The life of François Augérias astonishes us, takes us into a kind of suspense in view of his geographical movements, his elaborations, his attempts to fill the hole of the signifier that does not exist. Father dead just before his birth, Name-of-the-Father not arrived, he advances in life, fear and courage confused.
It’s a book that Delicious mistakes you read from
This writing by Philippe Lacadée seems to move between the writer Augiéras and the reader that we are. With delicacy he brings us into the universe of Man, instilling the desire to know more. A few theoretical landmarks mark mobile database the text, brief, precise, indicating the delirious construction of François Augiéras. These clinical gaps do not invade the text, do not taint the beauty of the writing. On the contrary, it appears in all its poetry. No diagnosis therefore, but the elevation of the writing, of the advantages and disadvantages of whatsapp business for your business discoveries of Augiéras to the dignity of those of a great writer.
This work also reads like a poem. We are struck by this poetry which in no way cancels out the suffering, the power, the pleasure with which the artist was dealing. A style is at work there.
We discover his desire to separate
The latter mainly commented on one of the paintings of this writer-painter who set up his artist’s studio in a cave in Périgord in the magnificent village of Domme.
Painting on wood, on fabrics, on the supports at his disposal, these superb, unclassifiable canvases reflect by their warm colors malaysia numbers list the atmosphere of the prehistoric caves so close to Domme, such as that of Lascaux. We find there the desert of El Golea, the rocks of Périgord, silhouettes of young boys etc. We also find there the atmosphere of the “delirium” of Augiéras. He is said to have painted 200 works, of which only 100 are listed.