A marketing budget is a marketing plan that has a physical and monetary expression. It includes expenses for organizing the movement of goods, advertising the company’s offers and informing the audience.
This type of budget records project , costs, income and profit. When preparing this document, all marketing projects and activities are convert , into expenses. They are then suppos , to be compensat , for by revenue receiv , from the implementation of the company’s proposals.
A marketing budget requires resource allocation
That achieves the company’s accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database financial and marketing goals with minimal expenditure. It is important to understand that this is not only about material investments, but also about time expenditure.
The marketing budget is determin , by the size of the enterprise: a small company operating in the provinces does not make sense to invest significant amounts in promotion and PR, while large corporations operating in how to reduce the risk of fraud in marketplaces the domestic and foreign markets have to spend colossal amounts of money on it.
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Factors Affecting Marketing Budget
Achieving competent planning of the marketing budget is possible by taking into account:
- economic situation in the country/region;
- the area to which the enterprise belongs – in a number of industries, companies’ expenses on promotion reach up to 70%, which is explain , by the very high level of competition;
- the size of the company, its place in the market, ambitions – in order to become an industry leader, it is necessary to allocate a larger budget for marketing;
- type and novelty of goods;
- degree of market development;
- nuances of the strategy us , by the company.
As well as the marketing budget and distribution
Of funds by areas, depend on the list , factors. It is often difficult for businessmen to allocate a total amount or a share of the profit that they are ready to invest in the development vector that interests us.