Removal of the common factor by brackets

Removal of the common. Removing the total factor by parentheses — is a mathematical rule that allows you to simplify algebraic expressions by highlighting a common factor from brackets and recording it in front of brackets. This is a very useful rule that can significantly reduce the number of operations and simplify calculations.

The rules for the removal of a common factor depend on the type of algebraic expression. Consider a few examples for a better understanding:

Example 1:

Removal of the common The expression is given: 2x + 4y

In this case, the total factor is the number 2. Therefore, we can take it out of brackets:

2 (x + 2y).

Example 2:

The expression is given: 3a + 6ab.

The total factor here is the number 3. We take it out of parentheses:

3 (a + 2b).

The removal of the common factor by parentheses telemarketing data greatly simplifies further calculations and facilitates the work with algebraic expressions. Please note that not all expressions can be simplified using this rule. The rules and methods of simplifying algebraic expressions — is one of the main topics in mathematics.

Removing the common factor by parent:

Definition and essence
Common factor removal examples
General multiplier removal rules
Removal of a common factor in various mathematical operations
The removal of the common factor in legitimate and which are just spam the equations
Practical use of a common factor removal
Removing the common factor by parent:
In order to pass the total factor by the brackets, you must:

Find the total factor of all folded inside the brackets. A common factor may be a Removal of the common number or variable that is present in all terms.
Divide each folded inside the brackets into a common factor.
Carry out the common factor by the brackets and write it in front of the brackets.

For example, consider the expression:

(2x + 4y) — 3 (5x + y)

The total factor here is — number 3. After carrying out the belize lists operation of removing the total factor by parentheses, we get:

2x + 4y — 15x — 3y

Next, you can make additional simplifications, add or subtract similar terms.

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